Lexington's Lair of Visions

Art, Spirit and Biography

by Transgriffin

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Twitch Stream Base - 2021

Twitch Stream Base 2021

In 2021, I briefly began streaming on Twitch on a semi-regular basis. And of course I needed assets.

This might not look like much, but it was indeed a work of several hours. I could not find an easy way (at least back then) to just pull a gradient over a pattern, so I created each and every one of these shapes individually and colored them one by one.

I really still like what I did there, so I've decided to re-use this and pulled the MLM gay flag gradient over it for my new Twitch appearance.

I stopped streaming after only a month or two, because it was so spoon-intensive. Being pre-T and VERY close to starting my transition, I had a ton of things to handle in my life.

But I've been making occasional re-appearances in 2023. Who knows what the future brings.

But streaming itself aside, this asset that I created was given new life in a re-design of my Genderful Podcast promo materials in 2023. Woohoo!

© 2023 Lexington's Lair of Visions

The Gender Dysphoria Bible

Reclaim the old internet with Neocities